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Summer Sk8ing Strong Camp

The Registration "Summer Sk8ing Strong Camp" is not currently available.

Summer Sk8ing Strong

Summer Sk8ing Strong offers training for skaters in Basic 5&up. These half day camp options are structured to give skaters a well balanced training both on and off the ice. Class varieties are offered each day to ensure skaters stay engaged, challenged and motivated. 

Camp Start Date:  Monday, June 17

Camp End Date: Wednesday, August 13th
(Freeskate Elite ONLY on 8/13)

NO CAMP: Tuesday, July 4th  & Thursday, July 25th 

Summer Skating Strong Track Options

Advanced Basic Skills Morning Track-This track offers training based classes for Basic 5&up.  Skaters will focus on improving their individual skills and training for competitions. Freestyle/Practice time, is included in this price from 6:00am-1:00pm, for skaters that purchase the daily/weekly options. 

Freeskate & Elite Track- This track is for skaters that are in Freeskate 1 and up. Skaters will be given a variety of  classes each day that they can use to create a training plan with their coach, or attend fully. Various classes will be divided based on level/ability. Freestyle/Practice time, is included in this price from 6:00am-1:00pm during camp for skaters that purchase the daily/weekly options.  

**Class topics will vary every 3 weeks to allow. **


Fun and Friends

Detailed Summer Sk8ing Strong Schedules

Class topics and coaches will vary every three weeks to allow classes to be fresh, fun and challenging.